Here is a character inspired by Slick Rick’s Children’s Story. Whenever I hear that track, I always envision it in my mind as an animated film. The ultimate wish list would be to have it animated and stylized by Robert Valley! Oooooweeee!
3 thoughts on “R U Hip-Hop?”
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Jeff Maka Merghart said…
Lovin the work Man!! 🙂 Hope you’re doin good! Love to the Fam 😉
8:10 AM
edwin rosell said…
Thanks Jeff! I hope things are going great with you. Things are good on this side of things! I’ll definitely let the fam know! 🙂
9:16 AM
Mongsub Song said…
Hi Edwin brother how are you doing?
your drawings and characters are awesome not only the style but also they look alive ^^ beautiful
5:49 PM