Sorry for the lack of updates around here…I’ve had my hands full. Geez, I sound like a broken record (or would that be mp3?). Here are some older sketches I dug up which will be part of a bigger thing if and when I ever get to overhaul my homepage. The top sketch was a design for a futuristic city of the industrialized, grimy kind. I based the building shapes on Spanish conquistador helmets. The bottom sketch was a value study for a cityscape I’d love to try and paint.
2 thoughts on “Something old, nothing new…”
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dq said…
Sup man! Hurry and post more old stuffs!!!!! I dig these man. I guess I’m a sucker for these types of pieces. There’re some nice shaper interactions in the architecture.
Edwin Rosell said…
Thanks man! I’m glad you dug these. I had a lot of fun doing them. It would be great to be able to revisit some of them.