21 thoughts on “Mo’ Emo”

  1. Beezul Nov 2, 2009 Professional Digital Artist
    this is awesome! rachel is a good friend of mine XD

  2. Edwin Rosell said…
    @Darren:! What’s up dude! Thanks man! Yeah, I took the rough sketch into PS to do the cleanup.
    @Jรถrn: Thank you and thanks for stopping by!

    10:48 AM

  3. Double “D” said…
    Hi Edwin, your drawing ability is incredible. What do you start with on a piece like this? Uh sorry, just read your comment above. Thanks.

    6:58 PM

  4. Matteo said…
    What an amazing art, man… Found u on Art Jumble just a few moments ago, but ill stalk u from now on. ๐Ÿ™‚


    3:47 PM

  5. Edwin Rosell said…
    @Marcelo: You are THE man. Thank you sir!
    @Double “D”: Thanks! Your work inspires to get over my fear and dabble in watercolors ๐Ÿ™‚
    @Andres: Thanks man!
    @Craig: No rest for the wicked!
    @Matteo: Thanks Matteo! ๐Ÿ˜€

    8:24 PM

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