Hillside Sketch Paint


I found this really cool and really convenient way to do screen caps.
You can give it a try at: Screen Toaster
I highly recommend it and since its browser-based, its compatible with Macs, PCs and even Linux.
This paint sketch was a result of my little test run. I’ll post the vid as soon as I finish the clean up and edit.

UPDATE: Here is the video for the above paint sketch using Screen Toaster to record.

Experimenting with an online-based screen capture service called Screen Toaster: screentoaster.com/
Excellent site if you’re looking for a convenient cross-platform screen cap utility.

Hillside Sketch Paint from edwin rosell on Vimeo.

4 thoughts on “Hillside Sketch Paint”

  1. Edwin Rosell said…
    Thanks Mariusz, glad to hear you enjoyed the vid and thanks for coming by 🙂

    5:52 PM

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